
In addition to professionalism, the transparency, honesty and high level competition culture constitute the ethos that our company tends to follow.

Transparency is one of the most important requirement set by the European Union towards institutions and companies. While working with our partners, we always head for meeting that expectation and encourage our partners to act the same way. This is the principle of both business and IT system developments.

Transparency is important for us not just because we believe it is an important pre-requisite for efficient operation in the market but because it is to guarantee reliability and validity of the information we provide.



Cím: 1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 8/B. fsz. 9-10.
1087 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 54-60. 2. emelet 282.
Telephely: 8171 Balatonvilágos, Ady Endre utca 20.
Telefon: +36 20/359 7843