Application-oriented Solutions

PEGACONSULT Kft’s application-oriented solutions improve communication between various applications, mitigate load on infrastructure and reduce operating and maintenance costs.

These solutions make information systems safer, more up-to-date and therefore more cost efficient.

Complex, time-consuming, hard-to-follow workflows now transformed into an easily manageable system by using our systems. We can develop solutions that integrate data from different sources into a consistent single system meanwhile handling and processing of data becomes transparent to make collected information available for other systems too.  No matter if the capacity and availability of freight trains running on the Hungarian railway network is the question, or the availability of locomotives or the parking system, the main objective always to reach such functionality and efficiency that have been proved in practice. Users of our products can work with less administrative burden, more easily and with higher efficiency.

With these above, the management makes decisions on solid basis which are tailored to our partners’ strategy.



Cím: 1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 8/B. fsz. 9-10.
1087 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 54-60. 2. emelet 282.
Telephely: 8171 Balatonvilágos, Ady Endre utca 20.
Telefon: +36 20/359 7843